Monday, March 3, 2008

Taking My Own Advice

Last week I had a day where I left my house very early in the morning and did not get home until almost 10:30pm. While the day was long and busy, it was also very productive, however I had no time for me.

As I returned home I thought about the emails I needed to check, the mail I needed to open, the laundry that needed folding and felt overwhelmed and agitated. I realized I had not had a chance to take any me time during the day and boy did I feel the effect. At that moment I made a decision, I was going to take my own advice and not turn on my computer (gasp), let the mail wait until the next day (cringe) and forget about the wrinkling laundry and take some me time!

And that is just what I did, I put on my comfy pj's, curled up in my bed with my favorite blanket, lit a candle and read my book. Instantly I felt the tension subside and the day melt away and a smile spread on my face. Not only did I have a great sleep that night, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face a new day.