Friday, February 8, 2008

Taking time for "me"

Taking time for ourselves is one of the most important things that we can do for ourselves and one of the hardest things to do. There is always someone else or something else demanding our time and we just can't so no to them and say yes to ourselves.

To make sure that I remembmer to take time for myself everday I have decided to add to my daily gratitude journal what I did for myself that day, even something as small as taking a ride through the beach, reading a magazine of my choice or getting an ice cream cone to something a bit larger like finishing my scuba certification. Whatever it may be, it is important for all of us to do and to enjoy it. And if you need help deciding what to do for yourself check out My Time For Me for some ideas and join us at one of our events put together with you in mind.

If you do not already do a gratitude journal, I highly reccommend starting one, it really makes a difference in your day when you focus on the good things and it really makes the day a better one when you reflect back and see all the happy things that happened.


Kris said...
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Kris said...

I really enjoy my gratitude journal. It has altered my perspective about my day beginning to end. I start my day being thankful for the day to come. And then come home to it, where it ends my day on a high note - thinking about the things I am grateful for from today and the good things to come for tomorrow.