Friday, April 11, 2008

Tracy-Dumping The Junk

I'm on day 17 of 28 in a detox program. And, no, I'm not talking Betty Ford. In February, at one of our events we held at Dorr Way To Health, I met Laura Dorr. She introduced me to the idea of a detox. Now, the only detox I've ever known is the kind Britney and Lindsey have done and I didn't want to have anything to do with that! But no, this detox is a cleansing detox of your body, focusing on your liver and gall bladder. The results can be varied, from clearer skin to weight loss to a clearer sense of thoughts and focus. Coming out of a Northeastern winter had definitely brought me down and my eating habits had become mostly hearty, comfort food. And, my insides just felt like they were rotting out...
So, I met with Laura before I left for a week-long trip to London and Spain. I ate and drank to my hearts content on my trip, knowing full well I would be starting detox when I got back. I had one final beer (one with the highest alcohol content possible) and one last Starbucks (goodbye Grande Skim Cappuccino and cute barista) and let Laura lead me.
For the first week, it was all about decreasing and eliminating certain foods from my diet. Bye bye beef, breads, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, anything non-organic. I actually enjoyed this first week because it let me get creative in the kitchen. Baked sweet potato fries with cayenne pepper, now how bad a detox can that be???
Starting the second week, I was given about 8 different containers full of various powders-cleansing powder, vanilla and strawberry meal powder, fiber powder and my favorite, the green powder. I was supposed to make 2 shakes a day, one for breakfast and one for dinner, mixed with ice and frozen organic fruit. Using the scoop provided, you measure out the right amount of powder for each shake. Well, apparently there are 2 sizes of scoops and I only used the large one, so I got me some extra cleansing for the first week! The rest of meals I ate were salads, quinoa pasta with organic turkey meatballs, salmon. I even got Andrea to come to an organic restaurant and order healthy food. As she says, healthy you means healthy me:) It really is contagious once you start.
On day 9 of the shakes, you switch to all liquids for at least 3 of the next 6 days. I'm on day 10 and on my second day of all liquid. It's actually not so bad. I think this is much more mind over matter than anything else. Which, I believe is one of the biggest reasons I wanted to do this. I wanted to prove to myself that I could. Not for anyone else, but myself. And yes, of course it feels great to have worn pants today that I haven't fit into in two years and actually see my cheekbones again, but that isn't what this is all about. For me, this really is "My Time For Me".
I'll keep you posted on my progress....

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