Thursday, August 21, 2008

Andrea: Movie Reviews As I see it

So yes, I realize that it has been one of the most amazing weeks weatherwise and I have been indoors at the movies not once but twice this week. And while nothing really beats fun in the sun, the movies that I saw, Tropic Thunder and Vicky Cristina Barcelona, where both worth a few hours away from sunshine.

The first movie I saw was Tropic Thunder. Now I had no expectations for this movie at all and was not sure I even wanted to see it but my friends were going so I did too, (no I am not going to jump off a bridge if my friends do) It was more entertaining than I thought it would be and I did actually enjoy the movie. It was funny in some parts, not so funny in other and there were surprise familiar faces in the movie that I had not seen in the trailers. But the most surprising and enjoyting to me was Tom Cruise, the part he played and how funny he was. I actually might be starting to like him again. His character was hilarious and so not what we have seen him do before and who knew Tom Cruise could dance! I think it is worth going to see just to see him dance and play this funny guy. But that is just my opinion.

The other movie I saw was Vicki Cristina Barcelona. Again another movie I knew nothing about, I had not even scene a commercial or trailer for this movie but I heard people talking about it and it was highly reccomended by a friend of mine. I loved it, I can't really tell you why, maybe because I spent some time in Spain earlier this year, or maybe the story and the way it is told, but for me it is one of those movies that I have not stopped thinking about since I saw it. I would reccomend this movie and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Okay that is about all I have to say on the movies I have seen this week, but since this has been a summer of movie seeing for me, I am sure I will have more movies to write about soon. So for now, thumbs up, sit back relax and enjoy the show, turn off cell phones and see you at the movies.

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